Bharathi is working in private school as teacher, she is 28 years old.
She married women. She is taking care 11th std. She has a knee length hair. Bharathi maintains well for past 6
years. Before that she had midback hair. For the past 6 years she is not cut or
trim her hair. But the summer holidays are over and the schools are open,
bharathi came to school. But her hair length got reduced. It’s not upto her
kneelength it’s just midback. Her close friend and teacher Girija asking about
her haircut, she said she went to tirupathi last month and she cut her hair.
After this haircut she has done some different hairstyles, like loose hair or
ponytail. But she maintains very well. After a week she has done a front cut
After 3 months she is requesting leave for 15 days. But due to the
examinations she got only 1 week only. She is not happy about the leave.
However she is little bit happy with the 1 week leave. Her friend Girija asking
about her reason for the 1 week leave she said she is going to her native and
they have some family function. Then she left the place and she informed about
1 week leave their class students.
After 1 week Bharathi comes to school with cleanly shaven head. She is
not hiding her bald head. Girija got surprised about her look. And she is asking
about her headshave. Bharathi said I have vow at our family temple last year
itself, but due to some family problems I haven’t done. Also this year I have
another prayer at tirupathi so I have little confusion where I can shave my
head, then my husband advice that tirupathi I can cut my half of hair, and in
our family temple I will do my headshave. So I shave my head last week.
I have
very shy to come with bald head that’s why I am asking for 15 days. But after
my headshave I had a confident so I came without covering my head. Also she
said she for this tonsure only she grow her hair long. Otherwise I will
maintain only shoulder length. After this headshave she maintains her hair
boycut. Sometimes she will grow her hair upto shoulder length, but after one
week she cut her hair short.
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