Meenakshi's Headshaving Treatment!!!
Door bell start calling,
Raksha come and open the door. One girl with clean shaven head stand in front
of Raksha. Raksha asking who are you? And what you want? She smiled and
replied, Is you forgot me? Raksha said, sorry I don’t remember your face. She
said Hey, this is Meenakshi. Raksha confused herself and asking which
Meenakshi, She replied, your college mate,Meenakshi. Raksha trying to remember
her face, but she can’t find her face. Then Meenakshi said I’m studied in your
class and not your best friend, but I’m friend of dharini and sheeba. Also she
said, I am coming in tvs 50. You also came with me one-day in the
heavy rain. Then Raksha realize and replied, oh ! Meenakshi, now I am
remember. Then she asked Meenakshi to come inside in her house, and asked her
to sit in the Sofa. And Raksha said, I couldn't recognize your face
due to your baldhead, what happened to you?
Meenakshi replied, due to dandruff
and hair-falling I shaved my head. Raksha got shocked and asked what
you are saying?. She smiled and replied, yes, two months back I had a long hair
till my waist, but for the past 1 month it’s got fallen as well as dandruff I
tried lot of medicines in Ayurveda and finally, my husband took me
to the parlour 2 weeks back. They gave some treatment also but after 1
week hair-falling is increased, so the beautician want to shave my
head, but I won’t accept, but after my husband’s completion I did it.
But they
gave some medicines also so If I apply the medicine in my head, the dandruff
and hairfallen will stop. So that I shaven my head, also she said, yesterday I
came to parlor for my headshave that time only I seen you, but after
my head-shave you left the parlor, so I asked your address in the
parlour they gave, that’s why I came here. It’s long time to see
a college-mate Raksha also said, yes I seen you with longhair in the
reception, but I am not sure about your name and face, so I left the place.
Raksha said you don’t have any shy for your head shave also you are not
cover your head, Meenakshi said, I don’t have any problem, also I feel very
comfortable with is bald, anyway I need to shave my head for next week also
because this one month I need to apply the medicines due to this my head should
be smooth. So every week I will tonsure for this month. Next month on
wards I will grow my hair.After the discussion Meenakshi left Raksha’s
house and she asked her to come her house, also she gave her address.
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